the gentleness was in her hands
The gentleness was in her hands explores themes of grief and adaptation. The movement weaves between an automated and sometimes eerie doll-like quality and moments of intimacy. Like surrendering to a memory, it allows for glimpses of vulnerability to be exposed before reverting back to numbness. Folding and twisting trickles out of the dancer to create a sense of ritual and inevitability within the journey.
This solo was awarded 1st Place at the Solo-Tanz-Theater Theater Festival in Stuttgart, Germany. It was won the A.W.A.R.D. Show in New York City.
"The piece absorbs, and then haunts… the impact on the spectator is crudely intimate" - (translation from french) Dfdanse, Montréal
“What leapt out were the leaps near the end, as Ms. Simoneau repeatedly rolled and rose from a supine position to explode skyward” - Brian Seibert, NYTimes
Premiered March 2009 at the Solo-Tanz-Theater Festival in Stuttgart, Germany
11 minutes - 1 dancer
Choreography & Performance: Hélène Simoneau
Music: Michael Wall


Photos: Jo Grabowski, Hope Young